You no longer need to feel powerless... Be Powerful!
Become more powerful by bringing your dreams and the thought of how wonderful you would be, if they come true.
What does it mean to manifest your dreams?
Manifestation is the art co creating with the Universe. This is achieved by moving with the energies of the cosmos and not forcing them. By focusing on growth and who you'll become you draw towards you the things you desire and expect into your life.
There are many ways for manifesting your deepest desires some of these practices include observing unique number sequences sent from the Cosmos, such as 11:11 and 444, at the moment these numbers are observed, use this synchronicity and consciously connect to what it is you are manifesting. Visualisation techniques also help, this involves using your thoughts and imagination to create vivid mental pictures and details of the success you desire. Participating in the law of attraction is another practice that can be used to assist manifesting dreams, this practice is based on the belief that all ideas eventually become reality therefore by thinking positively you will attract good things to yourself. Repeating daily mantras, affirmations and using crystals have a place within manifestation practices too.
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You deserve to live a powerful life filled with joyful experiences and joyful people. Connect to the source of love, say "Yes" to all the things that you Love whether you have it or not, this attracts more of what you desire to your life. By giving love you will receive love.
Whether you believe in spirituality, a higher power or manifestation it's fair to say that we all hold the power within ourselves to improve our lives.
Start manifesting your dreams today...
Wow, wow! This was karma and an amazing read. I practice manifestation and the law of attraction, so this really resonated with me. Thanks for sharing this.
This was such a wonderful read and are all the things I believe in and do. Thank you for sharing this blog. I look forward to reading more.